2nd Annual First Responders Appreciation Day
2ND Annual
First Responders Appreciation Day
DATE: Saturday, September 7th
TIME: 9:00 AM–4:00 PM
COST: Free for all first responders
First Responders come join us as OPFOB hosts its 2nd Annual First Responders Appreciation Day! Bring your family and encourage other members of your department to come out as well. We will have a bounce house for the kids, Police Department and Fire Department static displays, live music and a fun Battle of the Badges Range Competition. Lunch will be provided.
0900 - 1000: Coffee and Camaraderie
1030: Range Safety Briefing
(mandatory for competitors)
1030 - 1230: Battle of the Badges Range
1230 - 1530: Lunch and Live Music
Must register to attend!
“I attended your 1st Annual First Responders Appreciation Day and this event turned out to be way more than I had anticipated. As a 911 First Responder with the NYPD I have been to many First Responders events, but this one was filled with genuine caring, concern, and understanding of what first responders and veterans have endured. If one person that day now has a better outlook then OPFOB achieved something wonderful.”
- NYPD Police Officer, 911 First Responder